What Is the Dunning-Kruger Effect and How to Overcome It

Confident Vs Knowledge

Contents What is Dunning-Kruger effect? The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills The concept of the Dunning-Kruger effect is based on a 1999 paper by Cornell University psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger. They tested participants on their logic, grammar, and sense of humor, and found that those who performed in the bottom quartile rated their skills far above average. For…

How to Apply The Outward Mindset in Your Personal and Professional Growth

Outward Mindset

Contents What is an outward mindset? Mindset is about how you experience your surroundings: with an inward mindset you focus on personal objectives, while people with an outward mindset take into account one’s impact on the views, needs and challenges of others. People with an Outward Mindset also take the perspectives, needs and challenges of others into account, adjust their behaviour accordingly and continue to monitor results. An outward mindset is a way of seeing and relating to others that focuses on their needs, goals, and challenges, rather than on…

Agile Scrum Explained: The Ultimate Guide for Project Managers and Developers


Contents What is Scrum? Scrum is an agile framework to help people and teams deliver value incrementally in a collaborative way . Scrum has three pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation The Scrum Values of Courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect, and Openness, are all important elements that Scrum Team members must consider when working together The diagram below details the iterative Scrum lifecycle. The entire lifecycle is completed in fixed time periods called sprints. A sprint is typically one-to-four weeks long. The Scrum Team There are three key roles in Scrum: the product owner, the Scrum master, and the Scrum team. Product owner The product owner is responsible for what the…

How to Embrace the 4 Core Values of Agile Manifesto: A Guide for Agile Teams and Organizations

Agile Core Values

Content What is Agile? Agile is a mindset and philosophy around building products that espouses collaboration, customer-centricity, and expecting and responding to change. What is the Agile Manifesto? We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Value 1: Individuals and interactions In the past, a lot of software teams would concentrate on having the best…

Linux File Permissions: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basic Concepts and Commands

Linux File Basic Permision

Linux is a multi-user operating system and it uses the concepts of “ownership” and “permissions” to enhance the security of the files and directories. Every file and directory on Linux system is owned by a specific user and group. Therefore, file/directory permissions are defined separately for users, groups, and others. If you want to view the users on your system, you can view the /etc/passwd file by running the following command:1cat /etc/passwd Similarly, you can view the groups on your system by viewing the /etc/group file, by running the following command:1cat /etc/group Linux use…